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Farmers are losing their most precious asset: seeds.
And they are losing the ancient knowledge which allowed them to select seeds and exchange them within their communities. Today, ten multi-national companies control 90% of the seed market.
Farmers are losing their most precious asset: seeds.
And they are losing the ancient knowledge which allowed them to select seeds and exchange them within their communities. Today, ten multi-national companies control 90% of the seed market.

1991, Marudi, Malaysia --- A broad strip of a tropical rainforest has been deforested to make way for an air strip to service a tourist site in Marudi in Sarawak State on the island of Borneo. --- Image by © Kazuyoshi Nomachi/Corbis
1991, Marudi, Malaysia --- A broad strip of a tropical rainforest has been deforested to make way for an air strip to service a tourist site in Marudi in Sarawak State on the island of Borneo. --- Image by © Kazuyoshi Nomachi/Corbis

Araucaria angustifolia, an iconic native tree of the southern region of Brazil. It is a centuries-old tree that can reach 40 meters in height and lives 200-300 years on average, although some specimens reach up to 500 years of age. The araucaria pine nut, or pinhão, is the seed of Araucaria angustifolia. It is a seed about four centimeters long, elongated in shape and ivory in color, wrapped in a leathery rind and collected in large pine cones.
Araucaria angustifolia, an iconic native tree of the southern region of Brazil. It is a centuries-old tree that can reach 40 meters in height and lives 200-300 years on average, although some specimens reach up to 500 years of age. The araucaria pine nut, or pinhão, is the seed of Araucaria angustifolia. It is a seed about four centimeters long, elongated in shape and ivory in color, wrapped in a leathery rind and collected in large pine cones.

Il progetto (The Rotary Foundation – Global Grant GG1532203) ha come obiettivo quello di valorizzare i grani antichi tunisini (Presidio Slow Food) attraverso la valorizzazione di tutta la filiera: dai piccoli agricoltori, che ancora seminano queste varietà tradizionali di grano duro alle trasformatrici che ne fanno prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
Beneficiari del progetto sono il Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba, i piccoli produttori del Presidio Slow Food dei grani antichi e l’Associazione Irada per la famiglia rurale e le donne artigiane che si occupano della trasformazione del grano secondo i metodi tradizionali.
La sovvenzione è finalizzata all'adeguamento delle strutture per lo stoccaggio, il confezionamento e la vendita dei grani e dei prodotti trasformati, alla realizzazione di un forno per la produzione del pane e alla formazione del personale locale, al fine di poter gestire in maniera autonoma e completa l’intera filiera produttiva.
Gli attori :
Rotary Club Latina (Promotore), Rotary Club Roma Cassia, Rotary Club Tunis Méditerranée, Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità ONLUS, Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba e Associazione Irada
Il progetto (The Rotary Foundation – Global Grant GG1532203) ha come obiettivo quello di valorizzare i grani antichi tunisini (Presidio Slow Food) attraverso la valorizzazione di tutta la filiera: dai piccoli agricoltori, che ancora seminano queste varietà tradizionali di grano duro alle trasformatrici che ne fanno prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
Beneficiari del progetto sono il Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba, i piccoli produttori del Presidio Slow Food dei grani antichi e l’Associazione Irada per la famiglia rurale e le donne artigiane che si occupano della trasformazione del grano secondo i metodi tradizionali.
La sovvenzione è finalizzata all'adeguamento delle strutture per lo stoccaggio, il confezionamento e la vendita dei grani e dei prodotti trasformati, alla realizzazione di un forno per la produzione del pane e alla formazione del personale locale, al fine di poter gestire in maniera autonoma e completa l’intera filiera produttiva.
Gli attori :
Rotary Club Latina (Promotore), Rotary Club Roma Cassia, Rotary Club Tunis Méditerranée, Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità ONLUS, Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba e Associazione Irada

Il progetto (The Rotary Foundation – Global Grant GG1532203) ha come obiettivo quello di valorizzare i grani antichi tunisini (Presidio Slow Food) attraverso la valorizzazione di tutta la filiera: dai piccoli agricoltori, che ancora seminano queste varietà tradizionali di grano duro alle trasformatrici che ne fanno prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
Beneficiari del progetto sono il Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba, i piccoli produttori del Presidio Slow Food dei grani antichi e l’Associazione Irada per la famiglia rurale e le donne artigiane che si occupano della trasformazione del grano secondo i metodi tradizionali.
La sovvenzione è finalizzata all'adeguamento delle strutture per lo stoccaggio, il confezionamento e la vendita dei grani e dei prodotti trasformati, alla realizzazione di un forno per la produzione del pane e alla formazione del personale locale, al fine di poter gestire in maniera autonoma e completa l’intera filiera produttiva.
Gli attori :
Rotary Club Latina (Promotore), Rotary Club Roma Cassia, Rotary Club Tunis Méditerranée, Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità ONLUS, Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba e Associazione Irada
Il progetto (The Rotary Foundation – Global Grant GG1532203) ha come obiettivo quello di valorizzare i grani antichi tunisini (Presidio Slow Food) attraverso la valorizzazione di tutta la filiera: dai piccoli agricoltori, che ancora seminano queste varietà tradizionali di grano duro alle trasformatrici che ne fanno prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto.
Beneficiari del progetto sono il Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba, i piccoli produttori del Presidio Slow Food dei grani antichi e l’Associazione Irada per la famiglia rurale e le donne artigiane che si occupano della trasformazione del grano secondo i metodi tradizionali.
La sovvenzione è finalizzata all'adeguamento delle strutture per lo stoccaggio, il confezionamento e la vendita dei grani e dei prodotti trasformati, alla realizzazione di un forno per la produzione del pane e alla formazione del personale locale, al fine di poter gestire in maniera autonoma e completa l’intera filiera produttiva.
Gli attori :
Rotary Club Latina (Promotore), Rotary Club Roma Cassia, Rotary Club Tunis Méditerranée, Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità ONLUS, Convivium Slow Ford Tebourba e Associazione Irada

Although the Torre Guaceto reserve is relatively small (it is about 1,200 hectares insisting on the municipal territories of Carovigno and a small part of Brindisi), it has an extraordinary variety of protected ecosystems. To safeguard the biodiversity of the protected area, a new project has also been initiated: the recovery of the local ecotype of tomato fiaschetto.
This sweet, juicy, preservable tomato is part of the gastronomic history of these lands: it was the base for the passata that all families, even urban ones, produced for the winter.
Although the Torre Guaceto reserve is relatively small (it is about 1,200 hectares insisting on the municipal territories of Carovigno and a small part of Brindisi), it has an extraordinary variety of protected ecosystems. To safeguard the biodiversity of the protected area, a new project has also been initiated: the recovery of the local ecotype of tomato fiaschetto.
This sweet, juicy, preservable tomato is part of the gastronomic history of these lands: it was the base for the passata that all families, even urban ones, produced for the winter.

Acerra’s agricultural economy has historically been connected to its many canals, the Regi Lagni, which cross the fields and mark out the borders of its territory. Already in the pre-Roman era, the Acerra countryside was crossed by the Clanio, an important river for agriculture in the Campanian plain and essential to irrigation and water supplies throughout the Acerra area. Ancient Roman historians and writers have recounted how the network of waterways created by the Clanio became so branching and disordered that it created many problems. The river had many tributary channels, and because of the floods caused by these waterways, Acerra found itself surrounded by an enormous swamp. The problems caused by the water did not stop agricultural activities; after a long period of crisis following the fall of the Roman Empire and a series of wars between Longobards, Byzantines and Saracens fighting over this fertile plain, cultivation restarted around the 11th century, boosting the area’s economy.
Acerra’s agricultural economy has historically been connected to its many canals, the Regi Lagni, which cross the fields and mark out the borders of its territory. Already in the pre-Roman era, the Acerra countryside was crossed by the Clanio, an important river for agriculture in the Campanian plain and essential to irrigation and water supplies throughout the Acerra area. Ancient Roman historians and writers have recounted how the network of waterways created by the Clanio became so branching and disordered that it created many problems. The river had many tributary channels, and because of the floods caused by these waterways, Acerra found itself surrounded by an enormous swamp. The problems caused by the water did not stop agricultural activities; after a long period of crisis following the fall of the Roman Empire and a series of wars between Longobards, Byzantines and Saracens fighting over this fertile plain, cultivation restarted around the 11th century, boosting the area’s economy.

Until 20 years ago, the land suitable for growing vegetables around Naples and in the Sarnese-Nocerino countryside in the province of Salerno was almost entirely planted with San Marzano tomatoes. These delicate fruits have a thin skin and low acidity and keep their flavor for a long time, even when preserved. However, they must be handled with care. Because of the high cost of growing San Marzanos, they have mostly been replaced with more productive and resistant hybrids, whose cultivation can be mechanized but whose quality is inferior.
Until 20 years ago, the land suitable for growing vegetables around Naples and in the Sarnese-Nocerino countryside in the province of Salerno was almost entirely planted with San Marzano tomatoes. These delicate fruits have a thin skin and low acidity and keep their flavor for a long time, even when preserved. However, they must be handled with care. Because of the high cost of growing San Marzanos, they have mostly been replaced with more productive and resistant hybrids, whose cultivation can be mechanized but whose quality is inferior.

Family farming can become a solid model of sustainable development. Despite their size, small farms make
a massive contribution to feeding the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. During the UN-declared International Year of Family Farming, IFAD and Slow Food have an opportunity to join forces
and promote discussion around policies that are supportive of agricultural systems based on family farmers, rural communities and indigenous peoples.
Family farming can become a solid model of sustainable development. Despite their size, small farms make
a massive contribution to feeding the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. During the UN-declared International Year of Family Farming, IFAD and Slow Food have an opportunity to join forces
and promote discussion around policies that are supportive of agricultural systems based on family farmers, rural communities and indigenous peoples.