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For centuries Pestith has been an important meal during winter times for the inhabitants of Val Cellina and Val Vajont. It is obtained from the maceration of the purple-collared turnip, Brassica rapa rotunda.
According to tradition, the turnips, whose seeds are selected from one year to the next, by preserving and flowering the best turnips, are sown between the 20th and 26th of July or between the 10th and 15th of August depending on whether you want to promote the development of the root or the leaves. There is little work that needs to be done in the fields and the young plants are protected from parasites using ash or macerated nettles.
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Format : .jpg
9,6 MB
4000 x 2667 pixels
ITA_autorizzazione_fotografi firmata-34.pdf

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2 MB
595 x 842 pixels
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